Higher Ed Leadership

The Huntington Library


Los Angeles Times. “Laura Skandera Trombley is Named President of Huntington Library.” (2014)

La Jolla Light. “Arts and Culture in Pictures by The Times/Laura Skandera Trombley.” (2014)

USC News. “The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started.” (2014)

USCDornsife: Laura Skandera Trombley News (2014)

Committee of 100. “Committee of 100 Members Convene in Southern California.” (2015)

C Suite Quarterly. “Making the Gardens Grow While Preserving the Past.” (2015)

Pasadena Independent. “Laura Skandera Trombley Marks First Year at The Huntington.” (2016)

    Bon Appetit. “The Huntington Launches New Era In Dining, Partnering with Bon Appetit Management Company.” (2016)